The Trust for the Americas Participates in the Event: "Youth for an Inclusive Future Post COVID-19"

Washington D.C.,On June 8th, the Organization of American States and the Young American Business Trust (YABT) organized the online event "Youth for an Inclusive Future Post COVID-19" sponsored by The Trust for the Americas.
This round table event reunited young leaders from Latin America to reflect on the opportunities that the current pandemic could bring to the organizations working in the development sector. Secretary-General, Luis Almagro and Latin American singer Miguel Mendoza (known as Nacho) offered remarks regarding the challenges to guarantee more rights for people beyond the pandemic.
Veronica Philippe, Project Officer at The Trust for the Americas, moderated the first session, "Our Rights and Our Voice About the Future." She stated, "this is the perfect call for governments to include youth in the decision-making process. The right to quality education as part of the needs and rights of young people must not be overlooked, especially during the COVID-19 crisis".